We sell hundreds of cars each month to out of state buyers that keep referring us to their friends and family. More than ever, mostly all internet buyers save money by searching used car prices nationwide.

We are proud to offer an alternative to your typical car buying experience and a completely transparent used car buying option. We believe in moving volume by reaching everyone.

The only downside of shopping for a used car from another state is that the car you're interested in could be test driven and purchased by a local customer at any moment.

To prevent our out of state customers from losing out on the chance to buy the car of their dreams, any Out of State buyer may put a deposit down ($500) to secure the vehicle. Deposit is Non refundable!! ! Deposit is good for 7 days to reserve the initial vehicle. After 7 days, the vehicle is no longer reserved if not paid in full. (Please speak to our representatives for additional details.)

Buyers are responsible for their own transportation.

Please feel free to contact us at any time with further questions about shipping a vehicle (Buyers are responsible for their own shipping costs.)

Auto Max 615-773-2500